Thursday, August 25, 2022


 I heard not long ago about how much food waste ends up in landfills and I was shocked! While we might think it's ok because most food waste is biodegradable, it actually takes longer because of the other waste it's combined with and the conditions aren't favorable. I prep fresh fruit and vegetables weekly, and my family and I go through at least a dozen eggs a week. I heard about a local composting project and decided to participate. 

Below are the items I purchased to start composting. I had no idea these helpful items even existed until I started doing the research! I know some people do the whole process at home of saving scraps and putting them in their own compost pile. I may try that in the future, but for now I drop the compost off at a local place in my town that takes care of it.

I added a QR code beside each product if you'd like to purchase them as well. Do you compost? Do you do it at home or take your scraps somewhere? 

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Italian White Bean Soup